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Engineering Services

COEN Consulting Engineers offer a wide range of engineering services including mechanical & electrical design, energy audits.


December, 2011

COEN Consulting Engineers staff will attend a training seminar to be delivered by SEAI on the issuing of Display Energy Certificates (DEC) to public buildings. The issuing of these certificates displays to the public the energy consumption of the building with a view to improving its energy efficiency going forward.


October, 2011

COEN Engineering has added Energy Audits to their list of Services. Energy Audits can offer the opportunity to save on annual bills.

Energy Services

Energy Auditing / Energy Management

Energy as a commodity has become increasingly precious and therefore continues to become more and more expensive to consumers, both domestic and commercial. Nonetheless, industry will always require energy. It is vital however that energy costs are not seen as fixed overheads, rather a controllable production cost that can be reduced through the benefit of undertaking an energy audit, understanding exactly where and how energy is being consumed and the benefits of its careful management.

Industry is aware that it must manage energy costs, but is less aware of how to go about it. COEN Consulting Engineers know the energy market and as design professionals of mechanical and electrical systems for industry there is nobody better placed to idenity where inefficiencies and energy wastage is occuring in businesses who are looking to both reduce their impact on the environment and hence save on their energy expenditure. We identify for your business a range of measures all combining to help your business save valuable euros on its energy expenditure (typically 10% - 25%).

COEN Consulting Engineers provide a range of energy services to suit your business no matter what its size or its operation. We can tailor our packages to suit your requirements to range from:

Electricity Cost Review - No Saving No Fee!

We will review your bills and send you a comprehensive report graphically illustrating and detailing savings available through:

  • changing your tariff
  • procuring cheaper electricity
  • eliminating penalty charges
  • setting an optimum maximum import capacity
  • offsetting seasonal peak demand charges

Our professional fees are a small proportion of the cost of the savings we deliver and are generally covered by savings within 1 or 2 months. We classify our fee structure as follows:

  • Small users (<€10,000 electricity spend)
  • Medium users (<€30,000 electricity spend)
  • Large users (>€30,000 electricity spend)

Next Steps:

1. Contact us and we will send you a short quote and agreement.

2. Send us a copy of your most recent electricity bills by post or email.

3. We will issue a report detailing immediate cost savings. (If we don’t find savings we don’t send an invoice).

4. We will assist you in availing of the cost savings.

Energy Auditing / Energy Management

In carrying out a detailed energy audit on your facility we will:

  • Conduct a site visit and business operations familiarisation interview
  • Billing analysis and energy supplier tendering process
  • Identification and quantification of significant energy users on site
  • Registar of energy saving opportunities
  • Senior management energy policy drafting
  • Comprehensive report and presentation for senior management
  • Energy seminars and training for staff members
  • Ongoing energy management and reporting

Our goal is to save your company money on its energy expenditure on an ongoing basis through effective and continual energy management and improvement. We can tailor our package to suit your needs and are flexible in our fee structure to suit business. Contact us for helpful advice and guidance on what we can offer in this regard.

Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies and Design

Many clients wish to avail of ‘green technologies’ such as solar heating panels, geothermal energy or wind turbines but are unsure whether such an undertaking is either feasible, viable or even practical. These technologies include:

  • Solar heating panels
  • Solar photovoltaic panels
  • Geothermal heating
  • Wind turbines

COEN Consulting Engineers can conduct a survey for clients wishing to better understand the technical and financial details of their potential investment. We will submit an independant and impartial report to our client outlining clearly the feasibility or otherwise of undertaking such a venture so they may be fully informed before making any decision to proceed with such a costly investment.

Display Energy Certificate (DEC)

A Display Energy Certificate (DEC) is legally required for a building occupied by a public service body, if the building in question is greater than 1,000 square metres in floor area. A DEC is required to be displayed in a prominent place, clearly visible to the public. The purpose of a DEC is to raise public awareness of energy use by informing visitors to public buildings of the energy efficiency of the building and is based on actual energy consumption as recorded annually. A DEC is valid for one year and must be updated annually.

A Display Energy Cert (DEC) contains a number of key elements including:

  • The operational BER (Building Energy Rating) for the building shown on a scale of A-G
  • A primary energy indicator expressed in terms of primary energy use per unit floor area
  • Basic building technical information such as building type, building area, main heating fuel

COEN Consulting Engineers are fully qualified and registered with the SEAI to prepare a DEC for all public buildings and can quote excellent rates.

Non Domestic / Commercial BER

It is a legal requirement that a Building Energy Rating (BER) and advisory report be supplied by the owner of a commercial property to a prospective buyer or tenant when constructed, sold or rented. The BER is intended to give prospective buyers and tenants information about the energy performance of buildings. The BER also gives builders/developers and vendors/landlords, an incentive to upgrade the energy performance of the building by giving visible credit to superior standards.

The BER is an indicator of energy performance covering energy use for space heating and cooling, water heating, ventilation and lighting, calculated on the basis of standard operating patterns. It is also includes a CO2 emissions indicator. The BER is accompanied by an ‘Advisory Report’ setting out recommendations for cost-effective improvements to the energy performance of the building that the owner may choose to undertake.

COEN Consulting Engineers use the Non Domestic Energy Assessment Procedure (NEAP) to demonstrate compliance with specific aspects of Part L of the Building Regulations. The NEAP software is also used to generate the Building Energy Rating (BER) and advisory report for new or existing non domestic buildings. We are fully qualified and registered with the SEAI to prepare a BER Certificate for all non domestic building types whether new or existing and can quote excellent rates.