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Engineering Services

COEN Consulting Engineers offer a wide range of engineering services including mechanical & electrical design, energy audits.


December, 2011

COEN Consulting Engineers staff will attend a training seminar to be delivered by SEAI on the issuing of Display Energy Certificates (DEC) to public buildings. The issuing of these certificates displays to the public the energy consumption of the building with a view to improving its energy efficiency going forward.


October, 2011

COEN Engineering has added Energy Audits to their list of Services. Energy Audits can offer the opportunity to save on annual bills.

About Us

We are different?

We are a young and vibrant company located in the exciting ‘Fumbally Exchange’ in Dublin 8. It is a changed world out there with new priorities and we have embraced them! At COEN Consulting Engineers we choose to take a head up approach to todays challenges and allow our skills to flourish and succeeed.

We do our very best for each and every client as we deliver a professional service for them. We believe that personal interaction and close communication with our clients is the cornerstone to providing them with confidence and piece of mind throughout their project.


Ultan Coen of COEN Consulting Engineers carried out an energy audit at our facility. The audit was comprehensive and included gaining a good understanding of the work practices, equipment and routines within this particular facility. Ultan submitted a detailed report as a result of the audit and presented his findings to senior management and key members of staff within the company. The audit identified a considerable number of cost saving opportunities and the savings since realised have been significant. The saving opportunities identified were not just from the energy provider and main energy users but also a number of simple low cost measures. The continued management of energy and tracking of energy consumption is ongoing within our company alongside employee energy awareness campaigns and has become a permanent item for discussion at monthly management meetings.

Mr. Brian Mullen, Plant Engineer (EPC Ltd)

As a result of an energy audit conducted by COEN Consulting Engineers on our premises which identified the many areas in which energy could be saved, we have successfully managed to continuously reduce our energy consumption. Ongoing continual energy management ensures that we have the right energy provider for our companys needs and keeps energy costs down. We now conduct energy awareness campaigns and undertake energy saving projects that have been identified to help maintain the downward trend in our energy consumption and contribute savings to our bottom line. Many thanks Ultan for the comprehensive report coupled with practical solutions.

Mr. Hubert Garvey, Maintenance Manager (National Pen Ltd)