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Engineering Services

COEN Consulting Engineers offer a wide range of engineering services including mechanical & electrical design, energy audits.


December, 2011

COEN Consulting Engineers staff will attend a training seminar to be delivered by SEAI on the issuing of Display Energy Certificates (DEC) to public buildings. The issuing of these certificates displays to the public the energy consumption of the building with a view to improving its energy efficiency going forward.


October, 2011

COEN Engineering has added Energy Audits to their list of Services. Energy Audits can offer the opportunity to save on annual bills.

Welcome To Our Website

COEN Consulting Engineers is an engineering consultancy practice specialising in mechanical and electrical design for the built environment and the auditing and management of energy consumption for clients within the industrial and commercial sector.

At COEN Consulting Engineers we provide what we call ‘solutions for life...today’. The demands upon how we live and work are constantly being redefined. These demands pose a challenge we must embrace, adopt and evolve with, to keep in step with ever changing work and lifestyles.

At COEN Consulting Engineers we are attune to the fact that the changed realities of todays modern living requires us to think smarter, design smarter, advise smarter and work smarter. We draw upon our broad range of skills and expertise to satisfy our clients requirements. Trust, honesty, quality, value for money and good service are virtues we espouse when dealing with our clients.